
Other Solutions

Can Minstrong lists some cooperative companies, cases, customer references?

Minstrong Technology Co., Ltd., specializing in the production of carbon monoxide catalysts, ozone decomposition catalysts, VOC catalysts, Hopcalate (hopkalite) catalysts, manganese dioxide catalysts, ozone destruction catalysts, copper oxide catalysts, ozone filters, gas desiccants and other products.

As an excellent enterprise in the production, research and development of catalysts in the water treatment and gas treatment industries, Minstrong has always been a key enterprise in data analysis and research in the water treatment and gas treatment industries.

Can Minstrong lists some cooperative companies, cases, customer references?

Sorry, for many large companies (domestic companies, foreign companies, foreign-funded enterprises), these customers have signed non-disclosure agreements with Minstrong. We need to protect our customers' information. Of course, for those who have not signed a confidentiality agreement and have obtained the consent of customers, we are willing to share the usage data and usage conditions of these customers with you.

All corporate information that cooperates with Minstrong can be well protected.
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Contact: Candyly

Phone: 008618142685208

Tel: 0086-0731-84115166

Email: minstrong@minstrong.com

Address: Kinglory Science And Technology Industrial Park, Wangcheng Area, Changsha, Hunan, China

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